January 2010 Photo Workshop

Be inspired to improve your photography during this Sedona Arts Center
workshop with award-winning photographer Susie Reed.

Rose at the Farmer's Market • © Susie Reed


January 23, 2010, 1-4 pm • Sedona Arts Center

Cost: $50

In this workshop Susie Reed will critique class member’s photos and explore ways they can improve their photography at shoots and in post-production. She’ll discuss how photographers can see better, develop their own unique eye and use their instincts to inspire creative choices.

Susie Reed’s insightful comments will help photographers of all levels more fully understand their work and what they can do to improve it. She’ll talk about organizing and editing images and provide photo tips. She’ll also discuss the power of pictures and their ability to affect us. With over 30 years experience as a fine art and commercial photographer, Reed is a valuable resource for those wishing to improve their photo skills.

Please bring up to ten photographs for the critique. They may be prints or jpg files on a disc.

To register click here. For further information call 928-282-3809. Space is limited.

Susie Reed with students at Sedona Arts Center Photo Shoot Workshop
Photograph by Maike Wessel


Award-winning Sedona photographer Susie Reed has been a fine art and commercial photographer for over 30 years. Her pictures have been in major galleries and publications. She's taught at San Francisco Art Institute, California College of Arts and Crafts and is currently on the faculty of the Sedona Arts Center. She’s the recipient of a Sedona Arts and Cultural Commission Artist Project Grant, which has enabled some of her critically acclaimed photographs of Southwestern rock art to be permanently displayed in Sedona Visitor Centers. To see Susie Reed's 2010 Southwest Rock Art calendar click here. In addition to photographing prehistoric rock art Reed also loves taking pictures of landscapes, flowers, vineyards and Farmer’s Markets. She shows her photography at Goldenstein Gallery in Uptown Sedona.

What students say about Susie Reed...

“Excellent.”     “Interesting.”     “Knowledgeable, personable and informative.”

To inquire about private photo instruction click here.
To learn about new online photo consultation, critiques and lessons call 928-204-5856

For PHOTO TIPS click here. To subscribe to PHOTO TIPS click here.
To read Susie Reed's PHOTO TIPS on the Sedona Arts Center Faculty Blog click here.

To learn more about Susie Reed click here.

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